The drowning light of the sun flows into the room.
There is intimacy, and then there's oceanic enveloping of warmth; sensations that appears to embrace, to surround you in a sea of therapy.
French theorist Jacques Attali, taking after Jacques Lacan, gave this sensation the term 'sonorous envelope'.
Thus music, that surrounds you and hugs you, takes you back into the comfort of the womb and the comfort of the mother's voice. The sensation crosses the divide between reality and nostalgia, breaks the threshold of sense perception to recall an earlier emotion; the experience of a fantasy, a wish.
The sensation of waking up; of the oceanic comfort and warmth of the bed; of the undefined state of mind between sleep and awareness; of the vague ideas of existence and being; of the ignorance of total consciousness... the bridge between the ethereal dream world and jarring reality...
These are beginning moments that resemble a form of bearable existence. The lull and haze of sleep surrounds and bathes you just as the sunlight warms the room... transportation back into the mother's womb, except this moment of rebirth would be experienced and rehearsed; less traumatic that way? Perhaps.
But rousing from sleep, entangled in the sheets, misty eyed and half-dreaming; the transience and pain of existence seems to be drowned in the deafening beginnings of daylight.